Wiki Pre-operative education

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I have a provider that bills for EM services for pre-operative education. This usually occurs about a week prior to major surgery. I know this is outside of the global period. However, I'm questioning the medical necessity and what diagnosis I should be using for this encounter since it is specifically for "education." This is not a pre-op clearance and there is no new problem for the patient. The purpose of the visit is strictly education for preparing for surgery and what to expect afterward, prescriptions, etc. Any feedback, articles or CMS publications are appreciated. :)
Its subsequent to the decision for surgery so its part of the global period.

Pre-operative visits after the decision is made to operate. For major procedures, this includes preoperative visits the day before the day of surgery. For minor procedures, this includes pre-operativevisits the day of surgery;

While it says it this includes visits the day before surgery its not limited to the day before surgery, hence the after the decision is make to operate. Patient education is part of the global period. Unless there has been a major change in the patients condition requiring a new evaluation, its not separately reportable as an E&M.
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