Wiki Pre-OP visits


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If a Family Practice Doc sees a patient for a pre-op visit am I right in telling this Doc to code the reason for the surgery first and then the V72.84? Also there is a discrepincy of this Doc being allowed to use 99243 on an established patient because she feels the sugeon is requesting her to consult with this patient. I feel the appropriate E/M code should be a 99213, but I have only worked with specialists and I am trained that only they can use a consult code with particular insurances for a first time visit. Please inform me of the correct coding protocol in this situation.


I would use V72.83. This is what I use for my gen surg and hospitalists. If the surgeon states consult or needs opinion of the family provider then you should be able to bill the consult. But most times this is just clearance for surgery so they do not. I would agree if you can not find any notation that this is a true consult go ahead with the EST code. Hope this helps.

Also the 1st dx should be for their chronic problem such as HTN, or Afib or something to that nature then the V code then whatever the pt did to need surgery.

Kelsey, CPC