Wiki Pre-Op visit included in Global?


Palm Harbor, FL
Best answers
I have a physician wanting to charge E&M for a patient when there was already a visit 1 month prior where surgery was offered and accepted. The visit is labeled Pre-Op and the patient is scheduled for surgery 2 months out. Is this part of surg. global or can it be billed? THANK YOU
What does the documentation for this additional visit look like? Did the pt's condition worsen? Is there a cc and HPI and any ROS documented along with any elements for a physical exam? It appears that there was no need truly for the pt to come in; and no this appt was not medically necessary; if audited, providers such as this will be setting themselves up for insurance takebacks and potential fines.
Thank you Teresa. I was on the right track by thinking NOT but I couldn't find anything on CMS or in the CPT guidelines other than day of/day before surgery guidelines to provide to them for 'proof'. I appreciate your guidance.