Wiki Pre-op visit billing

Blairs, VA
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Our physician does the surgery but brings the patient in a few days prior to surgery to review pt hx and the procedure. Is there a pre-op code like 99024 for post-op? He does the H & P in the hospital on the day of surgery. Can this even be billed?
check with your local CMS Medicare MAC for their global surgical package fact sheet for guidance.

PER CMS.GOV fact sheet page 3 any visits for the reason that the surgery was made can't report "Pre-op" visits after the decision for surgery has been made.

sorry it will not let me submit as a hyperlink. Just google CMS global fact sheet.

I hope this answers your question!!!! :)
Thank you for the help but I still am not sure about this one. The pt came in on the first and decision was made for surgery and scheduled. He brought pt back on the 18th to go over it again and then the surgery was done on the 21st. Is the 18th a billable charge? I don't think it is be the surgeon does.
This topic has been discussed several times in the forum and sources provided, you can do a search and see the CPT Assistant reference that the 18th is not billable as it is inclusive to the global package.

Source: May 2009 CPT Assistant