Wiki Pre op clearance for Medicare patients


Clewiston, FL
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My doctor saw a patient in the office. The patient is going to have a kidney transplant. Our doctor saw him because the patient is going to need a colonoscopy before he does the transplant. This is part of the patients surgery clearance. Would I use V72.84? This is a Medicare patient
Patient sent to you for colonoscopy?

So the patient was sent to you to have a colonoscopy ... and your physician saw him in the office first? Do I have that right?

This "office visit" is bundled with the colonoscopy procedure.

HOWEVER ... if ... Big, Red IF ... this is a new patient to your service and more was done/examined than just the routine check of patient needed prior to the procedure ... You may be able to code an E/M.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC