Wiki Pre-Colonoloscopy office visit


Rutland, VT
Best answers
I just want to make sure I have this straight. Colonoscopies include pre-exam if they fall on the day of or before the procedure. This is what I have, is it billable? He is a new patient to us, and it isn't scheduled for at least a week.

S. This is a 67-year-old gentleman who has a history of polyps and is due for colonoscopy. He uses home oxygen intermittently.
PMH: Significant for COPD, hypertension, high cholesterol.
Meds: Presently include home oxygen, sertraline, atorvastatin, oxybutynin, amlodipine and albuterol.
Drug Allergies: None known.
P. I have discussed colonoscopy with him. I advised him it needs to be done with Anesthesia support and I have set him up for this.
Per the AGA, a visit prior to a screening colonoscopy for a healthy patient is NOT billable. However, from what I can tell from your documentation, the patient has comorbidities that would justify billing an office visit prior to his colonoscopy.