Butte, MT
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Can someone tell me if continuing Practicode is worth it at this point?

1) Practicode has now started marking things wrong that I literally have correct. Might be just a glitch...I hope.
2) If I'm already over halfway through and it's looking like I won't have 70% by the time I'm done, is there really a point in continuing?
3) There are so many things that are incorrect in practicode. Fortunately, I have someone who has been able to recommend credit on these practicode errors, but at this point being marked wrong for things that I've actually coded correctly is just confusing the heck out of me and making me feel stupid even though I have a Master's in Nursing....ugh...

I'd love some feedback from anyone who has completed practicode, is currently doing practicode, and anyone who quit practicode.

Am I wasting my time?

Thanks all!
I am so glad I have found your question. I was seriously struggling today. It was marking my answers wrong even though they are right and those 0% make it hard to climb above that 70%. I have argued multiple cases within Practicode through the Comment Box at the bottom after submitting my case. I was told those get assigned to someone and they review and reach out over email. However, I have not heard anything previously and it has been a week so far. I am hoping that there is a glitch today in Practicode where it is just marking all the answers wrong even though they are right. I will be reaching out over chat tomorrow to see if I can get some clarifications. I wish I could answer your questions, but at least I hope this makes you feel that you are not alone with this frustration.
I don't understand the "E" and "N/S". I submitted R14.0 and it now has a red "E". The answer key has R14.0 and a red "N/S". With the 0%, it seems everyone is wrong. It's also unclear as to when I can submit "post coding notes" - it seems I can't leave the graded screen and come back and then post a note. Any feedback is appreciated.
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I don't understand the "E" and "N/S". I submitted R14.0 and it now has a red "E". The answer key has R14.0 and a red "N/S". With the 0%, it seems everyone is wrong. It's also unclear as to when I can submit "post coding notes" - it seems I can't leave the graded screen and come back and then post a note. Any feedback is appreciated.
The E means the code isn't included in the answer key (wrong answer on your side). The N/S means code not selected by the Coder (wrong answer on the answer key side). Basically means a wrong answer from what I am understanding. This has been my issue all day with Practicode. It marks it wrong "E" even though the answers are correct. I will be contacting AAPC chat tomorrow to see if I can get some clarification. You can submit Post Coding Notes after every case before you hit OK. I wish we could go back to add a case note though. That is a great idea!
This has been ongoing with me since starting Practicode one month ago. It's also taking the first two correctly-coded secondary diagnoses and saying they're incorrect because they're all not listed as the primary diagnosis, along with the primary disgnosis (???), although the rationale shows they are all correct including the actual primary diagnosis. Over the past two weeks I've sent two messages to tech support with absolutely no response, and my post-coding notes to the coaches only result in most responses coming weeks later, but so far the few cases they've claimed will be regraded as credit still have not been credited. I'm seeing on Facebook many people have been having the same issues, and this has been ongoing for quite some time. I'm beginning to wonder about the management of this program and if it's even worth continuing under these unacceptable circumstances 🤔
I don't understand the "E" and "N/S". I submitted R14.0 and it now has a red "E". The answer key has R14.0 and a red "N/S". With the 0%, it seems everyone is wrong. It's also unclear as to when I can submit "post coding notes" - it seems I can't leave the graded screen and come back and then post a note. Any feedback is appreciated.
I found out the hard way that a post-coding note has to be entered before you click out of the case completely to go on to the next case. Very limiting in my opinion...we should be able to return to any case and add a post-coding note later if we need to.
I am having this same issue on Practicode. It's marking everything wrong- even if I got some or all correct. I am currently waiting on live chat. I am keeping track of correct answers in an excel spreadsheet, in case I don't get a 70%, and I have to restart the program.
I am so glad I have found your question. I was seriously struggling today. It was marking my answers wrong even though they are right and those 0% make it hard to climb above that 70%. I have argued multiple cases within Practicode through the Comment Box at the bottom after submitting my case. I was told those get assigned to someone and they review and reach out over email. However, I have not heard anything previously and it has been a week so far. I am hoping that there is a glitch today in Practicode where it is just marking all the answers wrong even though they are right. I will be reaching out over chat tomorrow to see if I can get some clarifications. I wish I could answer your questions, but at least I hope this makes you feel that you are not alone with this frustration.
I haven't been on today yet, but I'm hoping it's fixed. It's so frustrating. And then to hear that most employers don't even consider Practicode to be experience really sucks.
I am having this same issue on Practicode. It's marking everything wrong- even if I got some or all correct. I am currently waiting on live chat. I am keeping track of correct answers in an excel spreadsheet, in case I don't get a 70%, and I have to restart the program.
Ughhhhhhh I never even thought to do this but it's a great idea. I understand why partial credit isn't given (for instance, if you forget to put a Lt or Rt modifier), but dang it brings that score down. Have you been using the AAPC e/m calculator to come up with the e/m code? It seems so subjective. I'm almost always off by one number when I use their calc.
Just and update for anyone wanting to know. Spoke with someone in Live Chat, and here's what she told me

"Thank you. I will create a case for our practicode team to review. This has been an issue since yesterday. We do not have a direct time frame of when it is due to be fixed. It should be within the next few days. "
Just and update for anyone wanting to know. Spoke with someone in Live Chat, and here's what she told me

"Thank you. I will create a case for our practicode team to review. This has been an issue since yesterday. We do not have a direct time frame of when it is due to be fixed. It should be within the next few days. "
I'm amazed you got hold of someone! I'm still waiting on a response from someone at AAPC after sending two messages over the past month for this issue. It's funny they would say this has been an issue "since yesterday" when it has been an issue for many for quite some time, in my case a full month, and with others in coding groups on Facebook it's been far longer.
Just and update for anyone wanting to know. Spoke with someone in Live Chat, and here's what she told me

"Thank you. I will create a case for our practicode team to review. This has been an issue since yesterday. We do not have a direct time frame of when it is due to be fixed. It should be within the next few days. "
Thank you so much for the update ! Really hope they fix it and we can get credit for the correct answers it already marked wrong in error. :(
Looks like Practicode is "fixed" - I say that lightly because the inconsistencies in grading are just mind-blowing. One minute they're appending a -59 to conscious sedation and the very next case they aren't. So either way I get it wrong, because after seeing the first -59, I then applied it to the next case and it was marked wrong. It's so frustrating. I honestly don't even know why Im continuing at this point.
This has been ongoing with me since starting Practicode one month ago. It's also taking the first two correctly-coded secondary diagnoses and saying they're incorrect because they're all not listed as the primary diagnosis, along with the primary disgnosis (???), although the rationale shows they are all correct including the actual primary diagnosis. Over the past two weeks I've sent two messages to tech support with absolutely no response, and my post-coding notes to the coaches only result in most responses coming weeks later, but so far the few cases they've claimed will be regraded as credit still have not been credited. I'm seeing on Facebook many people have been having the same issues, and this has been ongoing for quite some time. I'm beginning to wonder about the management of this program and if it's even worth continuing under these unacceptable circumstances 🤔
Update...finally, this morning, I received a response from a coach regarding the incorrect grading of correct codes for one of my cases, and was told to contact customer support (sigh...which I've done twice before with no response), so I forwarded the coach's message to customer support with a message to please fix the glitches of correct codes being graded as incorrect. This evening I got an email from customer support and....they told me to contact the coders because it's a coding issue (???). So, just sent a reply to tell them, yet again, it is a Practicode program issue, not a coding issue, and that the coding coach told me told me it's a technical issue and to contact them. Round and round it goes!
Looks like Practicode is "fixed" - I say that lightly because the inconsistencies in grading are just mind-blowing. One minute they're appending a -59 to conscious sedation and the very next case they aren't. So either way I get it wrong, because after seeing the first -59, I then applied it to the next case and it was marked wrong. It's so frustrating. I honestly don't even know why Im continuing at this point.

A modifier 59 is used to unbundle an NCCI edit. Just because you saw it with the conscious sedation code once does not mean that it will be used every time conscious sedation is billed.

Each case should be evaluated on it's own need for modifiers depending on what codes are being billed together and whether any bundling relationship exists between them. Also the setting, provider type, and other unique factors for each case.

There's never a circumstance where one CPT code will always get a 59 modifier each time you bill it. (In fact, if a provider did that, it would be a red flag for fraud or abuse. 59 indicates that the procedure is distinct from the other services on the claim, which isn't going to be the case every time that CPT code comes up.)

Hope that helps clarify!
The E means the code isn't included in the answer key (wrong answer on your side). The N/S means code not selected by the Coder (wrong answer on the answer key side). Basically means a wrong answer from what I am understanding. This has been my issue all day with Practicode. It marks it wrong "E" even though the answers are correct. I will be contacting AAPC chat tomorrow to see if I can get some clarification. You can submit Post Coding Notes after every case before you hit OK. I wish we could go back to add a case note though. That is a great idea!
Thank you. I made it back to Practicode this afternoon and now it shows that I have the ICD-10 code correct, but not the E/M code and my score is 100%. Is my confusion warranted or am I still missing something? Difficult to have the motivation to move forward to another case. I did "chat" with someone this afternoon, but was informed they couldn't help and to send an email to - which I did. I also called AAPC and they couldn't help either and said to send a message to the practicode support group.
My practicode experience has been terrible. I made a 95 overall in my CPC course and I passed my Cert exam with an 83. I am failing Practicode miserably. I submitted two post-coding notes in early August and it was mid-September before I ever got responses. There was one scenario where I was marked wrong for including an external cause code on an ER visit, despite the guidelines saying to code external cause codes on ER visits for trauma. The coach actually agreed and said she had put in for a credit. However, when I went back, not only had they added the external cause code, but they had included two other codes related to place of occurrence. So I still did not get credit. The beginning video for introduction to Practicode says "the guidelines are the same for all cases, so feel free to print them for easy reference." I printed them, but the other day I didn't have them with me, so I clicked the guidelines link, and there were new guidelines that were added that were not there previously. Practicode has left me feeling completely stupid at times...In my opinion, if the Practicode team goes back in and changes a case study, whether it be details, ICD code options, CPT code options, whatever, they should reset that case for everyone. Essentially, I am failing and I feel like I have wasted my money. Practicode has also left me feeling like I may not truly be ready to take a job as a coder. I feel like I also cannot trust what they are giving as the correct answers and the rationale. For example, last night I coded a scenario where someone was fitted with a knee brace PRIOR to an upcoming surgery to repair a torn ACL and a torn meniscus. The rationales recommended the seventh character of "D" for "subsequent encounter" since it was a "follow-up visit." However, everything I learned stated that you use "A" for "initial encounter" as long as they are getting active treatment. The guidelines actually state that "D" is to be used once active treatment phase has been finished and the patient is in the healing and recovery phase." I do not consider someone who is scheduled for surgery to be in the "healing and recovery phase."

In the recommendation department. If you are in your CPC course, or recently out of it, I recommend ordering Buck's Step by Step guide to medical coding. Within the first three chapters, it made so much more sense of things that I struggled with during my course. I hope that continues. I have also ordered the Buck's workbook to go along with the step by step guide b/c there are case studies in the back for coding practice. I got the kindle versions on Amazon which were pretty cheap - just make sure to get the current year. If anyone has recommendations of any other places to find coding scenarios for practice, I would love to hear about those.

Sorry for the long rant. I'm just beyond frustrated with this.
My practicode experience has been terrible. I made a 95 overall in my CPC course and I passed my Cert exam with an 83. I am failing Practicode miserably. I submitted two post-coding notes in early August and it was mid-September before I ever got responses. There was one scenario where I was marked wrong for including an external cause code on an ER visit, despite the guidelines saying to code external cause codes on ER visits for trauma. The coach actually agreed and said she had put in for a credit. However, when I went back, not only had they added the external cause code, but they had included two other codes related to place of occurrence. So I still did not get credit. The beginning video for introduction to Practicode says "the guidelines are the same for all cases, so feel free to print them for easy reference." I printed them, but the other day I didn't have them with me, so I clicked the guidelines link, and there were new guidelines that were added that were not there previously. Practicode has left me feeling completely stupid at times...In my opinion, if the Practicode team goes back in and changes a case study, whether it be details, ICD code options, CPT code options, whatever, they should reset that case for everyone. Essentially, I am failing and I feel like I have wasted my money. Practicode has also left me feeling like I may not truly be ready to take a job as a coder. I feel like I also cannot trust what they are giving as the correct answers and the rationale. For example, last night I coded a scenario where someone was fitted with a knee brace PRIOR to an upcoming surgery to repair a torn ACL and a torn meniscus. The rationales recommended the seventh character of "D" for "subsequent encounter" since it was a "follow-up visit." However, everything I learned stated that you use "A" for "initial encounter" as long as they are getting active treatment. The guidelines actually state that "D" is to be used once active treatment phase has been finished and the patient is in the healing and recovery phase." I do not consider someone who is scheduled for surgery to be in the "healing and recovery phase."

In the recommendation department. If you are in your CPC course, or recently out of it, I recommend ordering Buck's Step by Step guide to medical coding. Within the first three chapters, it made so much more sense of things that I struggled with during my course. I hope that continues. I have also ordered the Buck's workbook to go along with the step by step guide b/c there are case studies in the back for coding practice. I got the kindle versions on Amazon which were pretty cheap - just make sure to get the current year. If anyone has recommendations of any other places to find coding scenarios for practice, I would love to hear about those.

Sorry for the long rant. I'm just beyond frustrated with this.
OH. MY. WORD. I cannot thank you enough for writing this as I JUST said to my husband the exact same things. I passed my CPC course with a 92% and passed the exam with an 88%. I've never felt so stupid as I have in Practicode. Things are marked wrong that are NOT wrong based on their own guidelines and the guidelines in the books. There is SO much inconsistency (For instance: Every single ER visit where an EKG is performed is the e/m code + mod 25 and then the EKG code 93010. All of a sudden I'm marked wrong for putting mod 25 on the e/m code. What??) I mean..I know that mistakes get made and things can get put in incorrectly on the answer sheets, but this is happening FAR too often. I've been told multiple times I will get credit, but I have zero faith that that will happen. I have gone through and made an excel spreadsheet with the "correct" answers on every single question. There is ZERO percent chance that I will be passing Practicode and will have to be reset, so I'm just trying to get through the last 70 cases so I can be reset and just add in what they say is right so I can get rid of the "A". I really hope that this is not how coding really is, or I just wasted a bunch of money.

Thank you for the tip to get the Buck's workbook. I will be doing that today.

Best of luck to us all!
OH. MY. WORD. I cannot thank you enough for writing this as I JUST said to my husband the exact same things. I passed my CPC course with a 92% and passed the exam with an 88%. I've never felt so stupid as I have in Practicode. Things are marked wrong that are NOT wrong based on their own guidelines and the guidelines in the books. There is SO much inconsistency (For instance: Every single ER visit where an EKG is performed is the e/m code + mod 25 and then the EKG code 93010. All of a sudden I'm marked wrong for putting mod 25 on the e/m code. What??) I mean..I know that mistakes get made and things can get put in incorrectly on the answer sheets, but this is happening FAR too often. I've been told multiple times I will get credit, but I have zero faith that that will happen. I have gone through and made an excel spreadsheet with the "correct" answers on every single question. There is ZERO percent chance that I will be passing Practicode and will have to be reset, so I'm just trying to get through the last 70 cases so I can be reset and just add in what they say is right so I can get rid of the "A". I really hope that this is not how coding really is, or I just wasted a bunch of money.

Thank you for the tip to get the Buck's workbook. I will be doing that today.

Best of luck to us all!

Remember that with Modifier 25 each case has to be evaluated individually.

Similar to what I mentioned above for Modifier 59, it cannot be assumed that just because a modifier is used on one case does not mean that the same modifier needs to be used on every similar case.

Without seeing the specific case examples, it's hard to say whether it was a user error or a Practicode error. However, it was worth mentioning again that modifiers need to be considered on a case by case basis.
OH. MY. WORD. I cannot thank you enough for writing this as I JUST said to my husband the exact same things. I passed my CPC course with a 92% and passed the exam with an 88%. I've never felt so stupid as I have in Practicode. Things are marked wrong that are NOT wrong based on their own guidelines and the guidelines in the books. There is SO much inconsistency (For instance: Every single ER visit where an EKG is performed is the e/m code + mod 25 and then the EKG code 93010. All of a sudden I'm marked wrong for putting mod 25 on the e/m code. What??) I mean..I know that mistakes get made and things can get put in incorrectly on the answer sheets, but this is happening FAR too often. I've been told multiple times I will get credit, but I have zero faith that that will happen. I have gone through and made an excel spreadsheet with the "correct" answers on every single question. There is ZERO percent chance that I will be passing Practicode and will have to be reset, so I'm just trying to get through the last 70 cases so I can be reset and just add in what they say is right so I can get rid of the "A". I really hope that this is not how coding really is, or I just wasted a bunch of money.

Thank you for the tip to get the Buck's workbook. I will be doing that today.

Best of luck to us all!
I agree. In my course I was so thrilled with the stuff I was learning and so excited. Every time I complete a Practicode case, it leaves me thinking I don't know if I am capable of being a coder. Finding this forum was such a relief, because it gives me some hope that maybe I'm not as dumb as I was starting to think I was...LOL. The excel spreadsheet is a great idea, also!! On another note, since you have finished your CPC course and certification, are using the traditional books or are you using e-books? I am considering switching to e-books for the 2024 year, but I only got the 2023 traditional books. I am just curious if people are preferring the regular books or e-books for coding. I should probably do a search of the forums for that too. Yes - best of luck to everyone!!!
Remember that with Modifier 25 each case has to be evaluated individually.

Similar to what I mentioned above for Modifier 59, it cannot be assumed that just because a modifier is used on one case does not mean that the same modifier needs to be used on every similar case.

Without seeing the specific case examples, it's hard to say whether it was a user error or a Practicode error. However, it was worth mentioning again that modifiers need to be considered on a case by case basis.
It WAS evaluated individually which is why 25 should have been added. There are so many discrepancies in Practicode. Clearly, I'm not the only one deepy struggling with the confusion that Practicode causes. Hoping this is not real life.
I agree. In my course I was so thrilled with the stuff I was learning and so excited. Every time I complete a Practicode case, it leaves me thinking I don't know if I am capable of being a coder. Finding this forum was such a relief, because it gives me some hope that maybe I'm not as dumb as I was starting to think I was...LOL. The excel spreadsheet is a great idea, also!! On another note, since you have finished your CPC course and certification, are using the traditional books or are you using e-books? I am considering switching to e-books for the 2024 year, but I only got the 2023 traditional books. I am just curious if people are preferring the regular books or e-books for coding. I should probably do a search of the forums for that too. Yes - best of luck to everyone!!!
I am not currently using e-books but am willing to consider that for 2024.
It WAS evaluated individually which is why 25 should have been added. There are so many discrepancies in Practicode. Clearly, I'm not the only one deepy struggling with the confusion that Practicode causes. Hoping this is not real life.

I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. I did not mean that the E/M and the EKG were evaluated individually I mean that you as the coder need to make a decision on each unique case whether a modifier is necessary on that specific individual case.

When you said above that:

"One minute they're appending a -59 to conscious sedation and the very next case they aren't. So either way I get it wrong, because after seeing the first -59, I then applied it to the next case and it was marked wrong."

"Every single ER visit where an EKG is performed is the e/m code + mod 25 and then the EKG code 93010. All of a sudden I'm marked wrong for putting mod 25 on the e/m code. What??"

It reads as though you're assuming that a 59 or 25 modifier would be appropriate every time that you encounter similar codes, which is not necessarily true.

There's a lot of nuance when choosing to use or not use modifiers. The setting, payer type, other codes on the claim, and other factors can make a difference as to whether or not a modifier is needed.

You'll build that knowledge as you gain more experience. It definitely does come up a lot in real life coding. And, of course, just as you get a handle on it, one payer could change how they want something submitted and you have to get used to doing it a different way. We all just have to do the best we can day by day and keep learning as we go.

If you're not familiar with NCCI, you can review more information about it on the CMS website. The PTP edits specifically will tell you whether there is an NCCI edit between a code pair, and whether a modifier is permitted to override that edit. Most encoder programs have NCCI edit checkers built in, but you can also use the data files from CMS. (That's where the encoder programs get the edit data from and then put it into a more user friendly interface to use.

Here's the link to NCCI information on the CMS website:
I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. I did not mean that the E/M and the EKG were evaluated individually I mean that you as the coder need to make a decision on each unique case whether a modifier is necessary on that specific individual case.

When you said above that:

"One minute they're appending a -59 to conscious sedation and the very next case they aren't. So either way I get it wrong, because after seeing the first -59, I then applied it to the next case and it was marked wrong."

"Every single ER visit where an EKG is performed is the e/m code + mod 25 and then the EKG code 93010. All of a sudden I'm marked wrong for putting mod 25 on the e/m code. What??"

It reads as though you're assuming that a 59 or 25 modifier would be appropriate every time that you encounter similar codes, which is not necessarily true.

There's a lot of nuance when choosing to use or not use modifiers. The setting, payer type, other codes on the claim, and other factors can make a difference as to whether or not a modifier is needed.

You'll build that knowledge as you gain more experience. It definitely does come up a lot in real life coding. And, of course, just as you get a handle on it, one payer could change how they want something submitted and you have to get used to doing it a different way. We all just have to do the best we can day by day and keep learning as we go.

If you're not familiar with NCCI, you can review more information about it on the CMS website. The PTP edits specifically will tell you whether there is an NCCI edit between a code pair, and whether a modifier is permitted to override that edit. Most encoder programs have NCCI edit checkers built in, but you can also use the data files from CMS. (That's where the encoder programs get the edit data from and then put it into a more user friendly interface to use.

Here's the link to NCCI information on the CMS website:
Thank you for your responses. I do appreciate them. I'm not frustrated with you....I'm just frustrated with how insanely stupid I feel.
So here's a new one. Just coded a chart where Old MI is one of the answers - I25.2. Practicode has I25.2 coded TWICE - once in primary and once in secondary. I got it correct for primary, but it deducted points because I don't have it listed again in secondary. Ugh....this is the stuff I'm talking about. How does anyone learn when there are so many inconsistencies and mistakes?
I just want to say that I'm so glad I'm not the only one struggling with the program. I passed my exam with a 94% and already have a job doing coding even with my CPC-A. (Very lucky to get that! I was not expecting it!) In the "real world" most of my codes are already picked for me and I just make sure the codes pass the software's quality check. We have certain "guidelines" we go by within each department and the insurance companies will accept claims that I do based on the guidelines I was taught. If I try to follow that same set of "guidelines" in Practicode then I get just about everything wrong.

What frustrates me the most is not getting partial credit for things. If I got the code right but missed a modifier, I wish I could at least get SOME points. I understand the concept that the code is "wrong", but in the real world you can resubmit claims if the insurance companies want a different modifier used. Another thing that frustrates me is the separation of E/M code and CPT code. I get so many things wrong because I accidentally type an E/M code in the "CPT" slot even though IT'S THE RIGHT CODE. And I don't like the idea that adding in extra codes costs me points and makes my score go down. I was taught that if it's in the documentation and related to the visit then it should be on the charge. But half of the time I get a 0 because I've added in a code that they don't think is important. If it's important enough for the physician to mention multiple times then who am I to say otherwise? Like someone mentioned above, the Emergency Trauma cases always get marked wrong because I add in the external cause codes. I was taught they were needed when there is a trauma code. Half the time the cases want a Z code and then half the time I get marked incorrect for having a Z code even though the Z code applies to the case. If we weren't supposed to use them, then they wouldn't exist!

It's honestly a really frustrating piece of software. Half of the time the "rationale" section doesn't give me any sort of rationale. It just says "we picked this" and that doesn't help me at all. I'm almost just doing it for the CEUs at this point. I've thought about making an excel spreadsheet with all the correct answers, but I might go insane before that even happens.

Sorry for the rant, I've just been so frustrated with this program! It makes me feel like an idiot. And I know that I'm not. Especially when I look up an answer and every single program/platform gives me the same code as my answer and then Practicode marks it wrong.
Thank you for your responses. I do appreciate them. I'm not frustrated with you....I'm just frustrated with how insanely stupid I feel.
I totally get how you feel here. I understand that different payers have different requirements but within the Practicode program they don't really discuss that except for the occasional "Payer wants -LT & -RT modifier" comments. It's very different from real world coding. I was also never taught in my courses the specifics of what each payer wants. And the CPC exam itself didn't really talk about different payers and their preferences. So when I go into the program I go into it with a "just focus on the CODES" mindset and even then so many things don't make sense. I just wish that if I was going to get so much wrong I could at least get better rationale for how they picked the "correct" answer. Because I don't feel like I've learned anything in the 100+ cases I've done so far. It feels like a waste of money and time!
I just want to say that I'm so glad I'm not the only one struggling with the program. I passed my exam with a 94% and already have a job doing coding even with my CPC-A. (Very lucky to get that! I was not expecting it!) In the "real world" most of my codes are already picked for me and I just make sure the codes pass the software's quality check. We have certain "guidelines" we go by within each department and the insurance companies will accept claims that I do based on the guidelines I was taught. If I try to follow that same set of "guidelines" in Practicode then I get just about everything wrong.

What frustrates me the most is not getting partial credit for things. If I got the code right but missed a modifier, I wish I could at least get SOME points. I understand the concept that the code is "wrong", but in the real world you can resubmit claims if the insurance companies want a different modifier used. Another thing that frustrates me is the separation of E/M code and CPT code. I get so many things wrong because I accidentally type an E/M code in the "CPT" slot even though IT'S THE RIGHT CODE. And I don't like the idea that adding in extra codes costs me points and makes my score go down. I was taught that if it's in the documentation and related to the visit then it should be on the charge. But half of the time I get a 0 because I've added in a code that they don't think is important. If it's important enough for the physician to mention multiple times then who am I to say otherwise? Like someone mentioned above, the Emergency Trauma cases always get marked wrong because I add in the external cause codes. I was taught they were needed when there is a trauma code. Half the time the cases want a Z code and then half the time I get marked incorrect for having a Z code even though the Z code applies to the case. If we weren't supposed to use them, then they wouldn't exist!

It's honestly a really frustrating piece of software. Half of the time the "rationale" section doesn't give me any sort of rationale. It just says "we picked this" and that doesn't help me at all. I'm almost just doing it for the CEUs at this point. I've thought about making an excel spreadsheet with all the correct answers, but I might go insane before that even happens.

Sorry for the rant, I've just been so frustrated with this program! It makes me feel like an idiot. And I know that I'm not. Especially when I look up an answer and every single program/platform gives me the same code as my answer and then Practicode marks it wrong.
Agree with everything you said. I'm only doing it at this point to get the A taken off and to get CEU's. I'm taking every rationale with a grain of salt.
Agree with everything you said. I'm only doing it at this point to get the A taken off and to get CEU's. I'm taking every rationale with a grain of salt.
I started it for getting my A taken off, but I don't think I'll be able to make the 70% correct requirement. Of course I'm only about 1/6 of the way through with it, but it hasn't gotten any easier. If nothing else, at least I'll get the CEUs. I want to make a spreadsheet with the correct answers to go back and fix the ones I missed but I worry that if I get to the end and "fail" it, I would have to purchase the program all over again and I don't want to drop another $300 if I don't have to. I have no idea if it will let me redo my answers once they've been submitted since I haven't seen that as an option. But on old threads I read that people had 3 chances to get the 70%. Very frustrating! and confusing!
I totally get how you feel here. I understand that different payers have different requirements but within the Practicode program they don't really discuss that except for the occasional "Payer wants -LT & -RT modifier" comments. It's very different from real world coding. I was also never taught in my courses the specifics of what each payer wants. And the CPC exam itself didn't really talk about different payers and their preferences. So when I go into the program I go into it with a "just focus on the CODES" mindset and even then so many things don't make sense. I just wish that if I was going to get so much wrong I could at least get better rationale for how they picked the "correct" answer. Because I don't feel like I've learned anything in the 100+ cases I've done so far. It feels like a waste of money and time!
I'm at around 525 cases coded. I wish I could tell you it gets better, but here we are....
I started it for getting my A taken off, but I don't think I'll be able to make the 70% correct requirement. Of course I'm only about 1/6 of the way through with it, but it hasn't gotten any easier. If nothing else, at least I'll get the CEUs. I want to make a spreadsheet with the correct answers to go back and fix the ones I missed but I worry that if I get to the end and "fail" it, I would have to purchase the program all over again and I don't want to drop another $300 if I don't have to. I have no idea if it will let me redo my answers once they've been submitted since I haven't seen that as an option. But on old threads I read that people had 3 chances to get the 70%. Very frustrating! and confusing!
I was told by one of the coaches that they can reset practicode if you don't pass. I have made an excel spreadsheet and mark the answers down for every case, so when I have to do it again, i can just look at that. won't help for some of the cases that marked me wrong but was told I'd get credit for. I don't know how that could be monitored and credited at the end. Makes little sense.
I was told by one of the coaches that they can reset practicode if you don't pass. I have made an excel spreadsheet and mark the answers down for every case, so when I have to do it again, i can just look at that. won't help for some of the cases that marked me wrong but was told I'd get credit for. I don't know how that could be monitored and credited at the end. Makes little sense.
I was told the same thing. I had asked for them to reset a question I was having issues with. The coach replied that they could not reset individual questions, but once you had completed all of the questions, you could request to have them all reset. At this point, I am only about 54 questions in, so I am not sure I will continue at this point.
So I have a question about a scenario I just completed recently. This was a follow-up visit with the provider where the patient had a torn meniscus and a torn ACL. The purpose of this visit was to be fitted for a knee brace prior to having surgery which was scheduled. The ICD-10 codes were S codes for the two injuries. I used 7th character A and my answers were marked wrong noting with the rationale that I should have used 7th character D since this was a follow-up visit. I entered a post-coded note stating that the guidelines specify using 7th character A when the patient is in active treatment, and D when the patient has completed active treatment and is in the healing and recovery phase. This morning, I got a reply from the Coach as follows:

In S83.282D ICD code -Other tear of lateral meniscus, current injury, left knee, subsequent encounter. Here "D" indicates subsequent or follow-up encounter.

The coach had also pasted a portion of the visit and hi-lited "___- is here for follow-up."
For anyone wondering, this is Job ID: 43177, and Case ID #: OPD7477

I do not consider someone who is currently scheduled for surgery to have "completed treatment and be in the healing and recovery phase." Can someone help me understand.....

I started it for getting my A taken off, but I don't think I'll be able to make the 70% correct requirement. Of course I'm only about 1/6 of the way through with it, but it hasn't gotten any easier. If nothing else, at least I'll get the CEUs. I want to make a spreadsheet with the correct answers to go back and fix the ones I missed but I worry that if I get to the end and "fail" it, I would have to purchase the program all over again and I don't want to drop another $300 if I don't have to. I have no idea if it will let me redo my answers once they've been submitted since I haven't seen that as an option. But on old threads I read that people had 3 chances to get the 70%. Very frustrating! and confusing!
I passed the CPC Exam (took it Sep 23) remotely, which in itself was a nightmare and a LOT of stress -- for a 1:30 test time, I didn't start until 3:00 - and was unable to sit at MY desk, had to move to my husband's because his office set-up has a door, whereas mine is the sunroom and doesn't have a door separating it from the rest of the house. I passed and that's all I care about -- not in my "zone". I got a 92% in the class. I have done 5 cases in Practicode and have done poorly. I have sent messages via email to the support desk and on the cases themselves, with NO response. Very difficult to get the motivation to move forward. I am not in a work position that relates to coding so I don't have anyone I can discuss it with. I read the messages on this forum and wonder how you all are going through them knowing there is no consistency in the process and being marked incorrect when everywhere else, e.g., your job, has them correct. I am very seriously doubting myself and do not want to continue if all I'm going to get is cases marked incorrect. My plan to was have them completed by the end of the year --- at this point, it will be April, if I can convince myself to move forward.
I looked everywhere for advice hoping this is the right place. By the way, none of you are dumb! We are tough for getting this far. I am using 2023 coding books for practicode. They are the ones I used for my exam. I don't understand why I am doing so poorly with practicode yet on one of my exam attempts I got an 80 out of 100 in the "case" section.

I only attempted coding 3 cases so far since I passed the exam this month. I'm afraid to take more after reading all the information from all of you about the mistakes in the software. Is this worth continuing or should I start putting effort into getting CEUs? I appreciate any help. Good luck to all of you.
I passed the CPC Exam (took it Sep 23) remotely, which in itself was a nightmare and a LOT of stress -- for a 1:30 test time, I didn't start until 3:00 - and was unable to sit at MY desk, had to move to my husband's because his office set-up has a door, whereas mine is the sunroom and doesn't have a door separating it from the rest of the house. I passed and that's all I care about -- not in my "zone". I got a 92% in the class. I have done 5 cases in Practicode and have done poorly. I have sent messages via email to the support desk and on the cases themselves, with NO response. Very difficult to get the motivation to move forward. I am not in a work position that relates to coding so I don't have anyone I can discuss it with. I read the messages on this forum and wonder how you all are going through them knowing there is no consistency in the process and being marked incorrect when everywhere else, e.g., your job, has them correct. I am very seriously doubting myself and do not want to continue if all I'm going to get is cases marked incorrect. My plan to was have them completed by the end of the year --- at this point, it will be April, if I can convince myself to move forward.
I ended up taking the exam in person because my "office" was an old kitchen table I stuck in my bedroom and I knew that they wouldn't accept that. Plus I only have a laptop at home and no external camera and I just didn't want to fool with it. Major respect to you for doing it online! I would've been so frustrated if it took me an hour and a half past start-time to even start the test. For Practicode, I honestly have no idea if it's worth it or not. I'm over here struggling to keep my 47% correct grade. I don't think it's very user-friendly and I don't think it's very accurate. It's nice getting some practice in, but I also realize that the system is SO fickle that what I learn is immediately proven wrong the next question. If you already paid for it, it wouldn't hurt to try to finish it. I'm just going in it with the expectation that I will not pass the first time and will most likely have to reset it. Although it feels like I'm not learning anything that way, it will at least get me a year off my Apprenticeship and some CEUs. I would definitely think about it in terms of whether or not the price you paid to access it is worth the CEUs and potential year off. Just go in knowing that you may have to reset it at the end of it. It's incredibly frustrating, but if I just think of it as a way to get rid of my "A" designation and not a way to actually learn coding, then it's not quite as bad...
I looked everywhere for advice hoping this is the right place. By the way, none of you are dumb! We are tough for getting this far. I am using 2023 coding books for practicode. They are the ones I used for my exam. I don't understand why I am doing so poorly with practicode yet on one of my exam attempts I got an 80 out of 100 in the "case" section.

I only attempted coding 3 cases so far since I passed the exam this month. I'm afraid to take more after reading all the information from all of you about the mistakes in the software. Is this worth continuing or should I start putting effort into getting CEUs? I appreciate any help. Good luck to all of you.
It seems like I still don't know everything about the course. I am working methodically through the CPC course work - chapters. Have done nothing with Practicode...and a little worried based on comments. I too am scoring very high on all my work and don't skip anything. It sounds like all 600 items on Practicode need to be completed ? before I sit for the certification exam? More research. 4 months is a tight window if one is not doing this course full time... however trudge away I will, perhaps over the holiday I can research a bit more re: Practicode. I hate to take away time from my designated homework time :) Nice to know I am not wondering alone out there. I am very used to taking virtual courses - the instructions for this were fairly vague. Onward everyone. Maureen
It seems like I still don't know everything about the course. I am working methodically through the CPC course work - chapters. Have done nothing with Practicode...and a little worried based on comments. I too am scoring very high on all my work and don't skip anything. It sounds like all 600 items on Practicode need to be completed ? before I sit for the certification exam? More research. 4 months is a tight window if one is not doing this course full time... however trudge away I will, perhaps over the holiday I can research a bit more re: Practicode. I hate to take away time from my designated homework time :) Nice to know I am not wondering alone out there. I am very used to taking virtual courses - the instructions for this were fairly vague. Onward everyone. Maureen

No. If you're going to do Practicode, ideally you should be doing it AFTER you are certified.

I would not recommend that anyone start Practicode before they pass the CPC exam. It is not an exam prep tool.

Once you have your CPC-A, you can complete Practicode to substitute for one year of experience towards the two year requirement to remove the Apprentice designation.