Wiki Practicode

Deb Sue

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Has anyone else signed up for Practicode and having trouble signing in to the program to access it? I've struggled off and on for 2 weeks to get logged in. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. I feel like I'm wasting time and money.:mad:
Practicode trouble

I have not been able to sign on to Practicode since last week. I called the toll-free number Thursday evening but it was close to closing so there was no on in the Practicode office to assist me. The person I spoke to was suppose to call me back Friday but I never heard from her. I have tried to log on all weekend unsuccessfully! I just sent an email 10 minutes ago so I hope to have a solution tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I am totally frustrated but relieved to find out I'm not the only person having trouble. I will let you know if I receive a response.
Have you contacted your salesperson or customer support? They may not be aware there is a problem.
That who I contacted last Thursday and sent an email to yesterday. Still waiting to hear from someone. I will call tomorrow if I don't hear from someone today.
I feel like I totally wasted my time and money too! I haven't been able to access Practicode since I purchased it on 8/4. I even requested a refund from the AAPC but they told me it is a non refundable product.

So now I have a non refundable, non accessible product. hooray
I'm Having Trouble Too

Has anyone else signed up for Practicode and having trouble signing in to the program to access it? I've struggled off and on for 2 weeks to get logged in. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. I feel like I'm wasting time and money.:mad:
It won't even let me sign in and I've followed the instructions and reread the instructions multiple times. Will they at least extend the time to complete it, since it's inaccessible? :(:confused: I sent an e-mail last night. So, they were obviously closed. I thought you might know the answer to that question.
Has any one had any luck? I can get into practicode but it takes like 15 minutes to get in. Once I get in and try to check my answers it crashes. I have called multiple times, gotten no response. When I contacted AAPC they told me I should leave feedback on Practicodes feedback page but I dont see a feedback page....
Practicode is inaccessible

This is beyond disappointing and far from the first dysfunctional AAPC product. I can't believe I just wasted 299 dollars. I will be in contact with AAPC and if they do not take care of this then I will consider it a scam and legal action will be taken.
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This is beyond disappointing and far from the first dysfunctional AAPC product. I can't believe I just wasted 299 dollars. I will be in contact with AAPC and if they do not take care of this then I will consider it a scam and legal action will be taken.

I'm having the same issue kjolson92.