Wiki practice managment question

Massapequa, New York
Best answers
Hi I have a question if anyone can help,

An optometrist has asked me if they can get paid for asynchronous telemedicine retinal photo review in NYS through Medicaid/Davis or any other insurances, They would only do the interpretation and report and sending it back to the patients PCP. In other words the PCP will capture the photos for the diabetic patients, pay 3rd party company flat fee to compile reports and that company would send report to the optometrist for review and I/R. I don't know how to answer that correctly, does anyone have any information about this that I can pass on?

Thank you

The answer to your question is probably "It depends." I'm assuming the OD is located in New York state. If the images are being done on patients in NY, then he could probably do and bill for the 26 component of the evaluation. If the images are from patients from out of state, he may have to check with his state board of optometry and malpractice carrier to see if he's allowed to provide these services since the patients aren't in NY.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC, COPC
practice management question

Hi Dr. Cheezum

thank you for your response, Yes the OD is in New York, the patients are from a practice in New York as well. He will only be doing the interpretation and sending it back to the doctor that referred him.
