Wiki PQRS Measurement and Dx


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OK let me make this easier.

Reporting measure 317 is based on patient's who DO NOT have a Dx of HTN.

Its simply for screening, and then documenting that you have advised the patient of their BP if it is 120/80 or higher and recommended follow up with PCP or whoever.

My providers do not treat HTN, and they typically do not add it to the Dx list unless it impacts the treatment plan.

When a patient comes in who has a PMH of HTN and they are on controlling medications (beta blockers etc.), If we report this measure, are we then ignoring the fact that the patient is on a controlling medication AND has a PMH of HTN? We should be adding the Dx code of HTN correct? Medicare already KNOWS that patient has HTN.

We also report on medication documentation, so we can not pretend that we do not notice that.
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