Wiki PQRI Info?


Best answers
How many PQRI measures must a practice report to Medicare to be considered as successful reporting? Some basic/necessary info on implementing PQRI for various specialties will be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks - but you are directing me to the Ocean, I am looking for the islands

There are 153 measures for PQRI in 2009.

Atleast 3 of the measures needed to be followed for PQRI, which is to be reported 80% of the reporting services by the physician.
Can you elaborate "80% of the reporting services by the physician"?

Greatly appreciate your response!
If you want to make it somewhat simpler, take a look at the reporting groups. A physician has to report all measures in a group for 30 consecutive patients to qualify but once the 30 are done, you don't have to report on any more for the year.