Wiki PPV and Influenza in MEDICARE patients-2nd request

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If a MCR patient comes in to the office and they receive both the influenza and the PPV vaccination, what is the appropriate dx code? is it v04.81 for influenza and v032.82 for PPV or is it v06.6 for both? On MLN matters on the CMS site, it states "mcr allows the reporting of diagnosis code v06.6 in place of the v04.81 and v03.82 when reporting influenza and/or PPV vaccines when the purpose of the visit was to receive both vaccines", we were told that the dx code v06.6 is inappropriate and only used when the vaccines are mixed together. Thanks for the help! Here is the article I am referring to. Under Background is where I found it on page 2. This is for ICD-9
I used to do PCP coding/billing and I've had success with this:

G0008 with applicable vaccine code - V04.81
G0009/90732 - V03.82

When I bill Medicare for both Flu and PPV I use diagnosis code V06.6. I have billed both ways and they pay it both ways but I use V06.6.