Wiki Potential ED Coder


Acton, MA
Best answers

I've been offered an opportunity to work as an ED coder. They also have inpatient coding as well. My question is: is it possible that it could be repetitive and have no place for growth? I also have no interest in going into inpatient. Plus I've never coded for facility and I'm not sure if they'll use the ICD-10 PCS. I'll also need to get a CCS.

Can someone please let me know their experiences with ED coding?

thank you.
Was just browsing the thread and saw your post. Hope this answer is still relevant after 5 months.

I worked on the professional side as a coder for 7 years. Depending on where you land for your job, there may be potential for growth. There may be an opportunity for a compliance auditor and in some places there are different levels of compliance auditors. Depending on your drive and the type of work you produce, it is possible you could go further.

You mentioned that you don't want to do inpatient coding. I'm not sure if you are opposed to it because of the exam or just the sheer complexity of it. Both are intimidating and both would require at the very least in my opinion a AHIMA CCS qualification as you mention. There is an individual that I took a class from who helps people pass a CCS exam and is very reputable if you are interested, but it is intense and if you are not too familiar with the coding conventions at the front of the ICD 10 manual, you will struggle. I had no clue what the coding conventions were and I put my dreams of being a CCS on hold. What I did realize was that I needed an A&P class and a brush up on my medical terminology. I would suggest taking a 2 semester class that you can take online at a reputable school that can get you ready for that CCS.

Let me thrown something else at you. You might want to look into getting a COC, formerly known as the CPC-H. This was qualify you for as a facility coder. You would code ED, Outpatient surgeries all on the facility side of things...which is what I do now. I was lucky and fell into this with my CPC, but this was through a large corporation and not a hospital or medical billing group. Actually, I am still pursing the COC, because I need to have that as a stamp of my ability to do what I do.

If you are really wanting to grow more, I believe in the end, you will have to gain another certification. Getting your CPC is wonderful and it does open doors, but attaching another certification onto this, which you could self study for on the AAPC side is a bonus and will really open the opportunities for you. I'm not saying you couldn't get an amazing opportunity with a CPC only, I did. I'm saying that more is more. Check out the COC through AAPC, I think you will find this to be rewarding. Also, there are areas that offer classes on the COC to aid you in passing this course, AAPC has this info on their website.

good luck