Wiki postop care in office after I & D in ER


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Please help - I have a patient that went to ER and the ER physician did the I & D - The patient is here at the office for the postop care. How should I bill for this situation? Do I charge the pateint for an OV or is this considered 99024 for postop with no charge price. Thank you so much for help.
What code was billed for the I&D?

If this was billed as 10060, there is a 10 day global.
The 99024 if ov is within the 10 days and bill ov if after the 10 days.

The Global period lets you know how the follow up should be billed.
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Same specialty Same Practice?

If the doctor who performed the I&D in the ER is of the same specialty AND same practice as your doctor, then the post op care is considered global.

If the ER doc was of a DIFFERENT specialty or DIFFERENT practice ... There are two options:

#1: IF the ER doc was not going to perform the post op care AND s/he billed with a 54 modifier (surgical care only), THEN you will bill the SAME procedure code with a -55 modifier (postoperative management only)

#2: You can bill an ofifce visit. The global period does not apply to you if you did not perform the surgery.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC