Wiki Posting I&D's and daily dressings


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If someone can help me I would appreciate it very much. We have a patient that came in with a terrible bit on their abdomen. The doc did an I&D, sent the fluild out for culture to rule out MRSA. He required the patient to come back in every day for a dressing change. What is the best way to code this. The patient is now going on day 15 of dressing changes. Thank you for your help!
10-day global

I would need to see all the notes to give you an accurate response.

In general, however, an I&D carries a 10-day global period for postoperative care.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
I & d

Hi and Thanks for responding.

The original code of 10060 does carry a 10 day global but in this case he states over an over that this patient needs daily dressing changes. i dont think that falls into the normal description of the 10060. wouldnt you be able to add a 58 mod to the 10060?

Another question, how do you normally code out 'dressing changes'? i understand what that is but in the coding world there really isnt a code for 'dressing change' unless it is a burn. what are your thoughts on that?
If my doc thought the dressing change was outside routine post-operative care, then I would bill out a low level E&M with a 24 modifier. Unless patient is Medicare. Then it's a no-charge post op visit no matter what.

Becky, CPC
I think it's post-operative care since it's within the global. I would probably code it as a 99024 since it doesn't matter how many times she comes in for dressing changes be it every day or every other day,regardless of what insurance she has.

I would code it a 10061 complicated to allow for the re-packing, due to the fact of the 10 day global period.