Wiki Post partum visit by different practice


Lewisberry, PA
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If a patient comes to our office as a new patient but is here for her 6 week post partum checkup (she was delivered by a different practice), how do I code the post partum visit. It was a routine post partum visit following a stillborn delivery at 23 weeks. Just not sure on modifiers and if I need to forward documentation as to why we are billing for this. Thanks for the help!
If a patient comes to our office as a new patient but is here for her 6 week post partum checkup (she was delivered by a different practice), how do I code the post partum visit. It was a routine post partum visit following a stillborn delivery at 23 weeks. Just not sure on modifiers and if I need to forward documentation as to why we are billing for this. Thanks for the help!

She had a miscarriage so this is not the same routine post partum visit as would happen after a full term delivery. You would bill a new patient E/M encounter with the appropriate dx codes to why she was there. You would use 656.44 as at least one of the dx codes.