Wiki post partum D&C


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Dr performed D&C postpartum 11 weeks for retained products of conceptions. Performed suction and currettage. How would you bill this 59812 or 58120?
11 weeks post vag delivery? if yes, i would bill 58120 as postpartum period is usually 6 weeks. 59160 is for currettage following birth and 59812 is for missed ab
OV for pregnancy during post of from abortion

Can I code this?

Patient has missed abortion-uncomplete 1/06

Patient comes in for office visit and pregnacy test stating had no menstration yet and positive pregnancy at home 02/11.
Doctor is unsure if pregnant from unprotected relations or if test states pregnant from missed AB.

Can I code office visit with modifer 24 and pregnancy test?
Or is this not codable due to post op and maybe test is still postitive from missed AB?
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