Having questions whether or not somethings can be considered a post partum complication, as the Providers are monitoring these:
Would Patient with gHTN in labor, labs wnl. Patient also with bipolar disorder on lithium, postpartum level wnl.
Pregnancy course c/b IgA nephropathy, on prednisone 60mg daily, s/p stress dose steroids, will continue prednisone 60mg daily. Cr stable today at 1.42 from 1.4 yesterday. Recheck CBC/CMP tomorrow. They have been monitoring this for the past 3 days post partum.
Thank you for your thoughts and help!
Would Patient with gHTN in labor, labs wnl. Patient also with bipolar disorder on lithium, postpartum level wnl.
Pregnancy course c/b IgA nephropathy, on prednisone 60mg daily, s/p stress dose steroids, will continue prednisone 60mg daily. Cr stable today at 1.42 from 1.4 yesterday. Recheck CBC/CMP tomorrow. They have been monitoring this for the past 3 days post partum.
Thank you for your thoughts and help!