Wiki Post op - wound check post mohs and xenograft repair. Previously diagosed ssc in-situ

Kapolei, HI
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A patient previously diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in-situ comes in for post op wound check post Mohs and Xenograft repair. Would diagnosis be the SSC in-situ of the location specified with post-op wound check Z48.89 or would it be history of skin cancer and Z48.89?:confused:
Z08 - Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm

followed by

Z85.828 - Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of skin
what about Z48.3

Z08 - Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm

followed by

Z85.828 - Personal history of other malignant neoplasm of skin

Would it be appropriate to use Z48.3 Aftercare following surgery for neoplasm + Z85.828?
Would it be appropriate to use Z48.3 Aftercare following surgery for neoplasm + Z85.828?

No, not really.

ICD-10 guideline state..


Aftercare visit codes cover situations when the initial treatment of a disease has been performed and the patient requires continued care during the healing or recovery phase, or for the long-term consequences of the disease. The aftercare Z code should not be used if treatment is directed at a current, acute disease."

A wound check really isn't "required continued care".

The ICD-10 Tabular listing also states with Z85.828

"Code First'

any follow-up examination after treatment of malignant neoplasm (Z08)"

There is no instruction to utilize Z48.83.