Wiki Post-op visits


Pittsburgh, PA
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Can someone please explain what is considered a post op visit ? How many visits can there be and is there a time frame associated with the post op period? A patient of ours had a diagnostic laparoscopy done on 5-26-11. She came in on 6-9-11 to discuss results and for her incision to be checked. on 6-17-11, she came in with problems related to the incision and she again came in today complaining of problems with her incision. Are these all considered post-op visits?? My next question: what diagnosis code would you use for an incision check? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Post op care is any visit that relates to the surgery, including incisional care within the global period. There is no limit to post op visits within a global period. Whatever the physician see's fit.

"Normal" complications are generally included in your post op visits, and not separately billable.

If the patient needs a return trip to the OR due to complications, then that surgery is billable.

Google "medicare global surgery package" for a good definition.