Wiki post op visit - oncology speciality


East Providence, RI
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We are an oncology speciality group in a facility that is questioning whether we can bill for the review of the pathology report during the global period after surgery. Our physicians spend a lengthy amount of time explaining the results of their surgery to the patient and thoroughly going through what the pathology shows, whether their result is malignant or benign. Our physicians believe we should be able to bill for this visit after surgery by utilizing the modifier 24 and using the diagnosis of V65.49 (other counseling).

Any thoughts.....

Kristen :)
It would seem to me that if the surgeon is the one discussing the path report then that's in the global. If it's an oncologist or a physician in another specialty in the group then the global doesn't apply. Thoughts?
Thank you for your response. You are saying that even though the surgeon is spending signifigant time with the patient counseling him/her on the cancer diagnosis and going over all the finding found on the path report, that it is still considered global?

another scenerio:

Patient comes in for him/her post op check after surgery. During this encounter the physician plans the patients chemo regiman and counsels the patient on the risks/effects of the chemo treatment. this is another usually lengthy discussion with the patient. Do you also consider that global?

thank you :)