Wiki Post op mgmt only...

Lisa Bledsoe

True Blue
Greeley, Colorado
Best answers
One of my docs did the post op mgmt for a 25605...reported with -55 at the first post op visit... My question is - can he code for casting and supplies at this visit or is that inclusive to the first post op visit with -55? Thanks!
it's included (just like a global 25605 fracture treatment).
{that's my opinion on the posted matter}
Interesting question!

Okay ... I'm not an expert on this ... just thinking out loud (or typing real fast - LOL)

If one doctor performed the entire service 25605, the first cast on date of fracture treatment would be included, but the re-casting on the first post-op date would be billable.

So why wouldn't the casting/supplies be separately billable for the MD who is only providing post-op care?

I don't have an answer ... just another question to help muddy the waters.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC
I think it's bundled because the casting codes are inclusive to 25605 even with a modifier... the ins didn't pay anyway and it's blue cross, so not much we could do... Thanks Tessa