Wiki Post-op ER visit


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I'm drawing a blank on this, so I hope someone can shine a little light!

If a patient has surgery on one day and two days later goes to the ER for symptoms that turn out to be related to the surgery, and the consulting physician is a member of the same group as the surgeon it still gets coded as a post-op visit, right?

(Dr. A did an ESWL on a patient for kidney stones on a Monday. On Wednesday, the patient had hematuria and pain and went to the ER. Dr. B believes it was because of the ESWL two days prior. So, the consult is coded as a 99024, correct?)

I say Yes it is post-op, we currently have two separate orthopedic office working under same tax id. If we see a patient the other orthopedic office operates on and the problem is related we bill as surgery f/u.
But only if it's dictated as related to the surgery. If it's not dictated as such, nor noted as a potential problem in the original surgical dictation, then it's not, correct?