Wiki Post Op Drain Removal


Tulsa, OK
Best answers
Morning OB/GYN Group,

Our patient had a 56405 done under General anesthesia and returned to our office for the drain removal, and since she is still in her 10 day global for removal and post op care, my question is would this be considered billable as she returned for drain removal due to intolerance to touch and done under general, if so what code would be considered. Please see below.

Due to patient intolerance to even soft touches to this labial abscess she was brought into office for drain removal under general anesthesia. Stitch was cut and drain easily remove. Tracking in the wound was much improved so decision to close remaining 2cm defect was made .This was closed with 2 interrupted sutures of 0-vicryl. Patient tolerated procedure well.

Thank you!
Morning OB/GYN Group,

Our patient had a 56405 done under General anesthesia and returned to our office for the drain removal, and since she is still in her 10 day global for removal and post op care, my question is would this be considered billable as she returned for drain removal due to intolerance to touch and done under general, if so what code would be considered. Please see below.

Due to patient intolerance to even soft touches to this labial abscess she was brought into office for drain removal under general anesthesia. Stitch was cut and drain easily remove. Tracking in the wound was much improved so decision to close remaining 2cm defect was made .This was closed with 2 interrupted sutures of 0-vicryl. Patient tolerated procedure well.

Thank you!
General anesthesia in an office setting??? You sure it was not local anesthesia or moderate sedation - she was put under? In the meantime, removal of a drain following a procedure is always included as part of the work and not separately billable. What you can bill for is the secondary closure of the wound but use 12020 as this was a simple closure.
Hello Melanie! Yes, it was local anesthesia, typo error, sorry about that. Thank you for your expert reply, you are much appreciated.