Wiki Post-op Complications


Charm City - Baltimore
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Hello -

Patient presents in office 4 days after delivery with complaints of edema in UE and LE. Delivery was complicated by placenta acreeta. Physician notes there was "massive intraoperative volume load for resucitation." During pregnancy patient had history of gestational DM, hypothyroidism.

I think that this is a complication and therefore outside the Global. I thought that the Global OB package was for normal pregnancy/normal delivery - but I am new to OB and second-guessing myself.

So would these complications to the pregnancy in this scenario fall within the Global Package or would it be a separate E/M visit?

Thank you!
I would for sure consider that a complication and bill and e and M code. I always ask myself, is this something that would happen with a normal delivery or is this a normal postpartum condition that most people get routinely? So in this case I would bill and E and M code. Depending on the documentation you could use 646.14?