Wiki POS 23


Fountain Inn, SC
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I need clarification for POS 23. If a patient is seen in the ER and the provider uses a observation code(99218-99220). Doesn't the provider needs to use a ED code?
If the visit if purely an ER encounter, then the CPT codes billed must be 99281-99285 by all providers.
No worries. ER coding is tricky to a lot of providers. The Type of service can change if during the encounter, the patient is admitted for OBV or IP, then the Consulting provider who initially billed an ER code will now have to report the OBV 99218-99220 or IP 99221-99223 Initial Visit codes.
Observation code would never be used with place of service 23. Observation is a status not a specific location in the hospital. If they are observation status but sitting in the ER, it would be observation code and place of service 22 for outpatient Hospital.