Wiki Portable and Stationary Oxygen

Malvern, OH
Best answers
We want to allow both stationary and portable oxygen for 36 month rental for each. Does this mean that we have to allow the provider to bill E1390 twice along with E0431 and E1392. Or is there another way we should be allowing this?

E1390 x 2



Thank you!
You can only bill 1 HCPCS code per month each for the portable oxygen system and the stationary oxygen system.
  • E0431 - Portable gaseous oxygen system, rental; includes portable container, regulator, flowmeter, humidifier, cannula or mask, and tubing
  • E1390 - Oxygen concentrator, single delivery port, capable of delivering 85 percent or greater oxygen concentration at the prescribed flow rate (this is a stationary system)
  • E1392 - Portable oxygen concentrator, rental
If you billed E0431 & E1392 in the same month you would be billing for duplicative services because only 1 portable system is allowed per month for Medicare and most private insurance companies. Also, during the 36-month rental period you CANNOT bill for oxygen contents codes E0441 & E0442 for stationary systems and E0443 & E0444 for portable systems.

I don't know if your local DME has a convenient chart like mine does (Noridian DME Jurisdiction D) has for same or similar DMEPOS items, here is a link to the Noridian site. Same or Similar Chart.

Here is a snip of the section on Oxygen equipment.
O2 same or similar.png

I have quite a bit of experience auditing oxygen equipment rentals for the insurance company I work for if you would any additional information please don't hesitate to let me know you can PM.