Wiki popliteal cyst aspiration


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hi all,
I need a clarification if this can be coded as 20610 or 10160 Indication:right popliteal cyst
PROCEDURE: Informed consent was obtained. The patient's posterior right
knee was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Local anesthesia
was obtained with 1%-Lidocaine. Under ultrasound guidance, a 16-gauge
needle was used to aspirate 35mL of straw-colored fluid. There was
complete collapse of the cavity. Hemostasis was achieved without
difficulty. The patient tolerated this procedure well without evidence of
immediate complication.

CONCLUSION: Ultrasound-guided aspiration of a right popliteal cyst.
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hi all,
I need a clarification if this can be coded as 20610 or 10160.
Indication:right popliteal cyst
PROCEDURE: Informed consent was obtained. The patient's posterior right
knee was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Local anesthesia
was obtained with 1%-Lidocaine. Under ultrasound guidance, a 16-gauge
needle was used to aspirate 35mL of straw-colored fluid. There was
complete collapse of the cavity. Hemostasis was achieved without
difficulty. The patient tolerated this procedure well without evidence of
immediate complication.

CONCLUSION: Ultrasound-guided aspiration of a right popliteal cyst.

20610 is not accurate (not a joint), I would code 10160/76942

HTH :)
Im little bit confused because popliteal cyst defines as a collection of synovial fluid(joint fluid) behind the knee. can u please tell me if it still goes with 10160 or 20610.
thanks in advance
Last edited:
Im little bit confused because popliteal cyst defines as a collection of synovial fluid(joint fluid) behind the knee. can u please tell me if it still goes with 10160 or 20610.
thanks in advance

That is correct, but the type of fluid drained makes no difference in the code selection. The code selection is determined by location. 20610 is for drainage of fluid (any type) from a major joint, 10160 is for drainage of a more superficial or subcutaneous collection of fluid (any type).

There are other (fluid) drainage codes pertaining to internal organs/locations but 10160 is applicable in this instance.

HTH :)