Wiki Popliteal billing input for part b provider


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Type: MED Dict.: 08/15/2013 09:58 62841098

1. Selective right femoral popliteal artery bypass graft angiography with
the unilateral runoff.
2. Angioplasty of the right femoral popliteal bypass graft using a 7.0/60
mm Sterling balloon.
3. Stenting of the right femoral popliteal bypass graft using a 7.0 x 80 mm
IDEV stent and post-dilated with 7.0 mm balloon.
1. Claudication of the right lower extremity with history of right fem-pop
bypass graft.
2. Severe stenosis of the right fem-pop bypass graft with partial
successful angioplasty in the past.
PROCEDURE: After the informed consent h ad been obtained, the patient was
prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Two percent lidocaine was used
for local anesthesia in the left groin. Vascular access was obtained in the
left femoral artery over a guidewire with a help of 0.035 glidewire, a
5-French SOS catheter was introduced along with the crossover sheath. The
SOS catheter was not quite successful in crossing over to the right common
iliac artery.
Hence, a 5-French UF catheter was introduced over a glidewire and then with
the help of the UF catheter and a glidewire, the 6-French long arrow sheath
was crossed over into the right external iliac artery.
Then, the UF catheter was removed and then a long-angled tapered glide
catheter was introduced over the glidewire into the right femoral popliteal
bypass graft and was used to obtain angiography of the right femoral
Report:pAB120 Coid: 803

Med. Rec: 0000215532 Pat. Type: OQ
Type: MED Dict.: 08/15/2013 09:58 62841098

Discharge: 08/16/2013 13:37
Transcribed: 08/15/2013 12:26
popliteal bypass graft and the distal runoff to it.
At this point, a 0.018 steel core wire was used to cross the lesion in the
right popliteal bypass graft in the level of the knee. The glide catheter
was removed.
Then, over the steel core wire, a 7.0 x 60 mm Sterling balloon was used to
dilate the popliteal bypass graft at the knee level. Femoral popliteal
bypass graft at the knee level at 8 up to 12 atmospheres. The balloon was
then removed.
A 7.0/80 mm IDEV stent was advanced slowly over the steel core guidewire
into the right femoral popliteal bypass graft.
The distal anastomosis of the right femoropopliteal bypass graft has an
aneurysm and the stent was advanced just about 3 mm distally into the
aneurysm and was deployed in the entire length of the stenosis of the right
femoral popliteal bypass graft at the knee level. After deployment, the
stent apparatus was removed over the guidewire, a 7.0/60 mm Sterling balloon
was readvanced and was then used to post-dilate the stent at the low
atmospheres in the entire portion of the stent.
Then, the balloon was removed. Guidewire was removed and then over the
0.135 guidewire, a 6-French long arterial sheath was removed. Prior to
this, the angiography of the left common iliac artery, left external iliac
artery, left femoral artery was performed with suitable to deploy the
After the long arrow sheath was removed over a guidewire, a 6-French
Angio-Seal was deployed in the left femoral artery successfully with a
complete hemostasis achieved with excellent persistent infection.
Prior to the procedure, the patient had a large dense hematoma in the the
Report:pAB120 Coid: 803
08/27/2013 16:12:12 PEACE RIVER RMC Page:3

Admit: 08/15/2013 05:00
Gender: MALE
Discharge: 08/16/2013 13:37
Transcribed: 08/15/2013 12:26
left groin, which remains as before.
1. Prior to the procedure, the right femoral popliteal bypass graft has an
aneurysmal segment of the proximal anastomosis and a large aneurysmal
segment of the distal anastomosis in the popliteal artery.
2. Prior to the procedure, the distal popliteal artery at the trifurcation
and severe disease with severe disease of the right posterior tibial
artery as well as peroneal trunk, which bifurcates in the anterior
tibial artery and the peroneal artery.
3. Prior to the procedure, there is an 70 percent stenosis of the right
femoral popiteal bypass graft at the knee level.
4. Post-angioplasty and stent of the right femoral popliteal bypass graft.
There is 0 percent residual stenosis within the lesion with no
dissection, no thrombosis and excellent flow distally.
1. The patient will be treated with dual antiplatelet agents.
2. Maximum medical management of coronary artery disease to continue.
3. The patient should be observed tonight with IV fluids.
4. We will obtain a duplex arterial ultrasound study in the future to
assess the patency of this stent as well as continue the patient on dual
antiplatelet agents.
5. We will consider angioplasty of the trifurcation vessels on the
perfusion distally _____ has intermittent claudication of the lower

DATE: _____________________________

Operative Report/Procedure Note
Report Status: Transcribed
Type: MED Dict.: 08/15/2013 09:58 62841098

1. Selective right femoral popliteal artery bypass graft angiography with
the unilateral runoff.
2. Angioplasty of the right femoral popliteal bypass graft using a 7.0/60
mm Sterling balloon.
3. Stenting of the right femoral popliteal bypass graft using a 7.0 x 80 mm
IDEV stent and post-dilated with 7.0 mm balloon.
1. Claudication of the right lower extremity with history of right fem-pop
bypass graft.
2. Severe stenosis of the right fem-pop bypass graft with partial
successful angioplasty in the past.
PROCEDURE: After the informed consent h ad been obtained, the patient was
prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Two percent lidocaine was used
for local anesthesia in the left groin. Vascular access was obtained in the
left femoral artery over a guidewire with a help of 0.035 glidewire, a
5-French SOS catheter was introduced along with the crossover sheath. The
SOS catheter was not quite successful in crossing over to the right common
iliac artery.
Hence, a 5-French UF catheter was introduced over a glidewire and then with
the help of the UF catheter and a glidewire, the 6-French long arrow sheath
was crossed over into the right external iliac artery.
Then, the UF catheter was removed and then a long-angled tapered glide
catheter was introduced over the glidewire into the right femoral popliteal
bypass graft and was used to obtain angiography of the right femoral
Report:pAB120 Coid: 803

Med. Rec: 0000215532 Pat. Type: OQ
Type: MED Dict.: 08/15/2013 09:58 62841098

Discharge: 08/16/2013 13:37
Transcribed: 08/15/2013 12:26
popliteal bypass graft and the distal runoff to it.
At this point, a 0.018 steel core wire was used to cross the lesion in the
right popliteal bypass graft in the level of the knee. The glide catheter
was removed.
Then, over the steel core wire, a 7.0 x 60 mm Sterling balloon was used to
dilate the popliteal bypass graft at the knee level. Femoral popliteal
bypass graft at the knee level at 8 up to 12 atmospheres. The balloon was
then removed.
A 7.0/80 mm IDEV stent was advanced slowly over the steel core guidewire
into the right femoral popliteal bypass graft.
The distal anastomosis of the right femoropopliteal bypass graft has an
aneurysm and the stent was advanced just about 3 mm distally into the
aneurysm and was deployed in the entire length of the stenosis of the right
femoral popliteal bypass graft at the knee level. After deployment, the
stent apparatus was removed over the guidewire, a 7.0/60 mm Sterling balloon
was readvanced and was then used to post-dilate the stent at the low
atmospheres in the entire portion of the stent.
Then, the balloon was removed. Guidewire was removed and then over the
0.135 guidewire, a 6-French long arterial sheath was removed. Prior to
this, the angiography of the left common iliac artery, left external iliac
artery, left femoral artery was performed with suitable to deploy the
After the long arrow sheath was removed over a guidewire, a 6-French
Angio-Seal was deployed in the left femoral artery successfully with a
complete hemostasis achieved with excellent persistent infection.
Prior to the procedure, the patient had a large dense hematoma in the the
Report:pAB120 Coid: 803
08/27/2013 16:12:12 PEACE RIVER RMC Page:3

Admit: 08/15/2013 05:00
Gender: MALE
Discharge: 08/16/2013 13:37
Transcribed: 08/15/2013 12:26
left groin, which remains as before.
1. Prior to the procedure, the right femoral popliteal bypass graft has an
aneurysmal segment of the proximal anastomosis and a large aneurysmal
segment of the distal anastomosis in the popliteal artery.
2. Prior to the procedure, the distal popliteal artery at the trifurcation
and severe disease with severe disease of the right posterior tibial
artery as well as peroneal trunk, which bifurcates in the anterior
tibial artery and the peroneal artery.
3. Prior to the procedure, there is an 70 percent stenosis of the right
femoral popiteal bypass graft at the knee level.
4. Post-angioplasty and stent of the right femoral popliteal bypass graft.
There is 0 percent residual stenosis within the lesion with no
dissection, no thrombosis and excellent flow distally.
1. The patient will be treated with dual antiplatelet agents.
2. Maximum medical management of coronary artery disease to continue.
3. The patient should be observed tonight with IV fluids.
4. We will obtain a duplex arterial ultrasound study in the future to
assess the patency of this stent as well as continue the patient on dual
antiplatelet agents.
5. We will consider angioplasty of the trifurcation vessels on the
perfusion distally _____ has intermittent claudication of the lower

DATE: _____________________________

Operative Report/Procedure Note
Report Status: Transcribed

I have 37226 - stent placement fem-pop region for this.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Thanks for your help Jim, that was my thought as well. Funny the hospital coded it a bit differently.
