Wiki Poor stamina


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Hi all, I'm trying to nail down a code for "poor stamina." It was discussed at a previous visit as fatigue, but this time the provider specified "This is really a problem with stamina, as opposed to fatigue or sleepiness." I think I've used R53.1 (weakness) for something similar before. Does anyone have any other thoughts?
This is really an issue of semantics, and is "hair splitting." "Stamina" is by definition the physical strength to resist or withstand illness or fatigue, and is the equivalent of endurance. In the sense of it as referenced/used in your query, the patient is able to initiate a physical activity, but is unable to continue/complete it because of progressive physical weakness (easy fatiguability), and therefore has to stop. The R53.1 code "implies" that the patient is too weak to even start the activity, let alone continue or complete it. A better alternative to R53.1 would be R53.83: Other fatigue, which includes and is synonymous with fatigue NOS &/or lack of energy.

This is my best interpretation of this issue. I hope it helps you.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pechacek, M.D.
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