Wiki Poor Dentition

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My provider likes to use "poor dentition" in his assessment as a billable diagnosis, however there is not really a good code to select. Sometimes he is referring to a patient who is missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene, sometimes it is a patient with alot of tooth decay, in this case, he is referring to a patient with loose wisdom teeth. Can anyone help me find a good NOS code for "poor dentition" and should I even be coding it as a dx? This is a family practice. Thanks :) In t his case I am thinking 525.8, any thoughts?
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I think I would try and get him to be more specific. Of course a lot of insurances won't pay for anything dental related at all.

In the case of the loose wisdom teeth I would agree with 525.8.

Sorry not much help here,

Laura, CPC, CEMC
poor dentition

Hey Heather did you ever find out any more info regarding this, i code for ENT/OMFS and I see this a lot also.

Yolanda, CPC