Wiki policies and procedures

Bellevue, NE
Best answers
Hello all fellow coders!

I was wondering how many clinics actually have policies and procedures for their billing practices.

Our facility is lacking in this area and I would like to be the one to update/implement such criteria.

Currently, I have someone who thinks its okay to bill a service with the residents note only and I completely disagree with this scenario. (also, they believe that taking "verbal" diagnoses from providers is okay and then bill the service...I DO NOT do this and refuse to do this! I may lose my job, but I know ethically and lawfully that this is NOT supposed to happen!)

Where can I go to print off some policies/procedures/regulations to show proper documentation and billing procedures?

I will be walking on egg shells when I go to administration with this information, as they aren't behind me 100%.

I refuse to lose my certification. Any help would be more than greatly appreciated!

Thank you to all!!!!