Wiki Policies and guidelines


Eastman, GA
Best answers
The clinics I'm employed with are salaried physicians, PA's, NP'S and staff through our hospital. The clinics have no policies and guidelines, but the hospital has hospital policies no clinic policies. Do the clinics need there own policies and guidelines for employees?
Do you mean coding/billing guidelines or HR guidelines?

If your clinic is owned by the hospital, then all policies that pertain to hospital employees would apply to you. However, coding/billing in a clinic setting is different than in a hospital setting. Our hospital-employed clinics have different expectations for chart completion, for example. So those policies and procedures that wouldn't apply (or aren't defined) at the corportate hospital level should be created for use at the clinic level. The reason for this is so that operations at the clinic are consistent, and so staff understand the expectations. For example, we have policies for coding scenarios that aren't clearly defined. I'm not sure there's a legal precedent with regards to separate policies (other than that you follow correct coding and payer guidleines), but it sure does make business sense to have written policies for any operational tasks.

Hope this helps.
Ndc #

Good Morning,

I'm hoping someone can help me. Where would I find the NDC # (National Drug Code) for a certain drug? It's not listed in the medical record, would the pharmacy in the hospital have record of the NDC #? I would appreciate any help on this.
providers signing for providers

I am in need of some answers. I have a client that has a provider that has other providers either see his patients or scribes for him. Either way documentation is not clear in the progress notes. I have asked the client to have the provider make an addendum to the notes in question and for what ever reason they will not do this. The client feels that the progress note should be coded the way it stands and my office was told that this clinic works as a team and under one tax ID. I need to know if another doctor (under the same group and Tax ID) can sign for the performing physician and if so, is it necessary to put “on behalf of” or something similar. Also where would i find this information. The client wants regulations in black and white. PLEASE HELP !!