Wiki Podiatry Teaching Providers/Residents

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I am hoping someone might be able to help me clarify the rules for Teaching Podiatrists and Residents.

I have a new provider who has just started practicing. He commonly supervises residents at two local hospitals. I am noticing as of late that his consultations, H&P's and even surgical procedures are being completed by residents, while he is seeing patients on site at a different location. The resident then dictates and signs the medical record, and my provider signs afterwards stating that he agrees with the resident's action taken with the patient.

I have reviewed the CMS guidelines on teaching physicians, and interpret the guidelines in that he would only be able to bill for these services if he was physically on site overseeing the resident.

Can anyone help me out with some further clarification? Maybe some kind of documentation, or articles that I can share with him as to what the process should be here, and whether or not we are able to bill for these services??

Any help is greatly appreciated!!