Wiki Podiatry Home Visits


Local Chapter Officer
Enosburg Falls, VT
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During COVID-19 my Podiatrists are doing Home Visits. During these home visits they are doing debridements. I cannot see that debridement will pay with a place of service 12. The reason for the visit was the debridement. Do you bill an E/M and not the debridement? Or bill the debridement and it could be denied payment due to the place of service? Any thoughts?
I have worked in a podiatrists office for 12 years. Two of our physicians will occasionally do house calls and I have never had any problems with 11042 or 11721 (not sure if you were referring to ulcer or nail debridement) being paid with POS 12.
They are doing nail, ulcer and selective debridements. They have been billing E/M's along with each debridement, but most are just follow up visits for debridement only. Thank you!