Wiki Podiatry Coding Expert Please


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
Help, totally new to Podiatry coding. What do you get out of this. And is there any books you recommend for me. Also some websites to help me get up to speed.


During this visit the offending nail borders were partially excised, hypertrophic lesser nails were reduced and the offending lesion was debrided with a #15 blade. All were smoothed with a grinder. We would like to reconvene in two months for ongoing diabetic foot care.
I'm no expert on podiatry, but have some experience as we recently employed a podiatrist as well. The note isn't clear how many nails were treated, but look in the 11719 - 11721 area for some help. The doctor needs to be more specific with number of nails. Also, what kind of lesion? Debridement codes (11040 - 11044) require detailed documentation for the debridement. I hope this is somewhat helpful. It's a lonely world out there for podiatry coding!! :)
Thank You for the response. Question to add to this one. Can we bill both these codes together. The ones you mention. I ended up in this same ball park, with the codes you selected. But wasn't sure if they can be billed out together. Because of a CCI edit.
