Wiki Podiatry Coding Expert Please


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
Help, totally new to Podiatry coding. What do you get out of this. And is there any books you recommend for me. Also some websites to help me get up to speed.


During this visit the offending nail borders were partially excised, hypertrophic lesser nails were reduced and the offending lesion was debrided with a #15 blade. All were smoothed with a grinder. We would like to reconvene in two months for ongoing diabetic foot care.

Look at the code series 11719-11765 to find the appropriate code :) I had to learn podiatry from scratch and its a never ending learning process. Ingenix does have a podiatry book that may be helpful. You may also search the internet for online resources. Sorry I dont have any specific links for you.

Good Luck

I am not sure where you are from but here in No Ca I used the Medicare LCDs to help me. They had a lot of definitions as to what terms meant what. You may want to take a look at any LCDs from your Medicare carrier and see if they also have this type of information in them.

Hope this helps.

Help, totally new to Podiatry coding. What do you get out of this. And is there any books you recommend for me. Also some websites to help me get up to speed.


During this visit the offending nail borders were partially excised, hypertrophic lesser nails were reduced and the offending lesion was debrided with a #15 blade. All were smoothed with a grinder. We would like to reconvene in two months for ongoing diabetic foot care.