Wiki please help with two procedures


True Blue
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Can you please help me with the following procedure codes?

1. Bladder Examination
Indication: Patient has suspected urinary retention and requires examination of the bladder to assess for bladder outlet obstruction.
Procedure in detail: Using the curvilinear probe the bladder was examined in both axial and sagittal planes and volumetrically measured to have approximately 300 ml of urine.
Conclusion: Bladder ultrasound was consistent with urinary outflow obstruction.
Would I be correct with 51798?

2. Abdominal Aorta
Indication: Patient presented with abdominal pain.
Procedure in detail: Using the curvilinear probe the aorta was examined in the axial plane and followed from the level of the celiac axis superiorly down to the level of the bifurcation. The aorta measured 3 cm by 3 cm in its greatest diameter.
Conclusion: The abdominal aorta was found to have a diameter of 3 cm without evidence of aneurysm.

Would I be correct with 76775?