I work for a pain clinic and my doctors perform radiofrequncy injections. I believe we are billing them correctly 64635x1 and 64636x2 when three nerves are injected. However we have ran into issues with an insurance that is denying the additional unit and stating we can only do two (64635x1 and 64636x1). I am wondering if anyone has fought an insurance on this issue or has any information/articles I can use to show this insurance that it is appropriate to do three nerves. Our local LCD limitations are:
Limitations of Coverage:
A maximum of five (5) facet joint injection sessions inclusive of medial branch blocks, intraarticular injections, facet cyst rupture and RF ablations may be performed per rolling 12 month year in the cervical/thoracic spine and five (5) in the lumbar spine.
For each covered spinal region (cervical/thoracic or lumbar), no more than two (2) thermal RF sessions will be reimbursed in any rolling 12 month year, involving no more than four (4) joints per session, e.g., two (2) bilateral levels or four (4) unilateral levels.
Neither conscious sedation nor Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) is routinely necessary for intraarticular facet joint injections or medial branch blocks and are not routinely reimbursable. Individual consideration may be given for payment in rare unique circumstances if the medical necessity of sedation is unequivocal and clearly documented.
Non-thermal RF modalities for facet joint denervation including chemical, low grade thermal energy (<80 degrees Celsius), as well as pulsed RF are not covered.
Intraarticular and/or extraarticular facet joint prolotherapy is not covered.
Limitations of Coverage:
A maximum of five (5) facet joint injection sessions inclusive of medial branch blocks, intraarticular injections, facet cyst rupture and RF ablations may be performed per rolling 12 month year in the cervical/thoracic spine and five (5) in the lumbar spine.
For each covered spinal region (cervical/thoracic or lumbar), no more than two (2) thermal RF sessions will be reimbursed in any rolling 12 month year, involving no more than four (4) joints per session, e.g., two (2) bilateral levels or four (4) unilateral levels.
Neither conscious sedation nor Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) is routinely necessary for intraarticular facet joint injections or medial branch blocks and are not routinely reimbursable. Individual consideration may be given for payment in rare unique circumstances if the medical necessity of sedation is unequivocal and clearly documented.
Non-thermal RF modalities for facet joint denervation including chemical, low grade thermal energy (<80 degrees Celsius), as well as pulsed RF are not covered.
Intraarticular and/or extraarticular facet joint prolotherapy is not covered.