Wiki Please HELP with HPI elements


Bethalto, IL
Best answers
Can anyone help me with the HPI elements?

22yr old presents with pelvic pain, bleeding & positive pregnancy test.
Patient is G P010. Denies Hx STD last know normal pregnancy 12-26-13
Can anyone help me with the HPI elements?

22yr old presents with pelvic pain, bleeding & positive pregnancy test.
Patient is G P010. Denies Hx STD last know normal pregnancy 12-26-13

I would say:

CC: Pelvic Pain

Location: Pelvic (depends on who documented the CC. If staff documented the pelvic pain, you can't count pelvic as the location.)
severity: None
Timing: None
MF: none
Quality: none
Context: Pregnant. (I'm torn on this one)
A/S: Bleeding

I would say two for points for the HPI maybe three with the pregnancy. But either way, 1-3 is still Brief.

I don't know what "patient is G P010" is. Maybe thats another element. But I couldn't find what that was on Google.