Wiki Please help?? visit off site


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Hi, recently one of our providers saw a nursing home patient outside of an infusion center at the time the nursing facility was dropping her off. She had ordered labs prior which resulted in the order of infusion due to extreme anemia. She then made arrangements for the nursing home to take the patient to the infusion center and met them there and performed an EPF history and exam. I have never seen anything like this and am not finding much to guide me in this situation. Has anyone else seen something like this? Does anyone have any recommendations on how this would be coded and billed? Would we charge a nursing facility charge since she is not actually in the snf at the time of the visit? Any advice would be greatly appriciated! Thanks in advance.
If this provider actually saw the patient outside of the infusion center, I'm a little confused as to why he/she would do this versus waiting for the patient to be inside in an enclosed space. Especially for PHI and confidentiality of such. If you can help clear that up, I can better advise.