Wiki Please help - The e/r dr admitted

Greer, SC
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The e/r dr admitted a pt and had one of our drs (cardiologist)(synope) to consult on the pt. Later that night our other Dr (e/p) around 1030 discharged the pt by helicopter to another hospital (musc). ? Can a consultant and discharge be chared? Thanks
Consultations are little confusing and the two lines of note which you provided are not clear like who admitted and where and who discharged and does all this happened in one day or on different days and does the all the physician are from the same group mostly the cardiologist.

Ex sept 22

er doc admit on sept 22

my dr (cardiologists) consulted sept 22 that afternoon
my ohter dr (e/p) discharged him to musc (another hos by helicopter around 11 that night)

all was done in same day
