I'm an ASC coder and we are starting to see this more and more in the ASC. Please advise b/c I am stumped!
DX; S/P placement of Moncrief-Popovich PD catheter. For externalization
Procedure: Externalization of PD catheter
Surgeon: ASST:
ANES: MAC with local anesthesia
Findings: Liquified hematoma; Catheter functions well with inflow by gravity at rate > 120 cc/min and spontaneous return by gravity.
Ms Whittaker was seen in the holding area and appropriately identified. She was then taken to the OR and placed supine on the operating table.
Following intravenous sedation, the skin of the anterior abdominal wall was cleaned, painted with Duraprep and sterile drapes were applied in the usual manner.
The previous "tattooed" site in the left lower abdomen was identified and this area was infiltrated with 1% xylocaine. A short transverse incision was made through the skin into the subcutaneous tissues and by means of blunt dissection, the catheter was identified in the subcutaneous tissues. With appropriate retraction, the cap was identified and grasped and elevated into the wound. Liquified hematoma was encountered and was suctioned away. Area was compressed and irrigated and no further fluid was obtained.
The catheter was inspected and appeared to be free to the level of the first cuff in the subcutanous tissues. No further dissection along the catheter was performed.
The cap was removed and the catheter was aspirated of some fibrinous debris. The catheter was flushed with heparinized saline solution. A 60 cc syringe with hep/saline was attached to the catheter and allowed to drain by gravity. Flow was noted to be Slightly sluggish, but > 100 mm/min. There was spontaneous return of effluent.
The catheter was then flushed with hep/saline solution and recapped.
The skin on the medial side of the catheter was reapproximated with a single interrupted subcuticular suture of 4-0 vicryl.
Steristips were applied afterwhich bacitracin ointment was placed at the exit site and sterile dressing applied.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition
DX; S/P placement of Moncrief-Popovich PD catheter. For externalization
Procedure: Externalization of PD catheter
Surgeon: ASST:
ANES: MAC with local anesthesia
Findings: Liquified hematoma; Catheter functions well with inflow by gravity at rate > 120 cc/min and spontaneous return by gravity.
Ms Whittaker was seen in the holding area and appropriately identified. She was then taken to the OR and placed supine on the operating table.
Following intravenous sedation, the skin of the anterior abdominal wall was cleaned, painted with Duraprep and sterile drapes were applied in the usual manner.
The previous "tattooed" site in the left lower abdomen was identified and this area was infiltrated with 1% xylocaine. A short transverse incision was made through the skin into the subcutaneous tissues and by means of blunt dissection, the catheter was identified in the subcutaneous tissues. With appropriate retraction, the cap was identified and grasped and elevated into the wound. Liquified hematoma was encountered and was suctioned away. Area was compressed and irrigated and no further fluid was obtained.
The catheter was inspected and appeared to be free to the level of the first cuff in the subcutanous tissues. No further dissection along the catheter was performed.
The cap was removed and the catheter was aspirated of some fibrinous debris. The catheter was flushed with heparinized saline solution. A 60 cc syringe with hep/saline was attached to the catheter and allowed to drain by gravity. Flow was noted to be Slightly sluggish, but > 100 mm/min. There was spontaneous return of effluent.
The catheter was then flushed with hep/saline solution and recapped.
The skin on the medial side of the catheter was reapproximated with a single interrupted subcuticular suture of 4-0 vicryl.
Steristips were applied afterwhich bacitracin ointment was placed at the exit site and sterile dressing applied.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition