Wiki Please help-Pacemaker Checks


Memphis, TN
Best answers
I just have a general question about pacemaker checks: If a patient comes in and has the pacemaker check, there are NO adjustments, just a routine check... what ICD-9 code would you bill for the primary DX? Is there a routine V code?

Any help is appreciated..

Thank you :)
I was under the impression that V45.01 and V45.02 can't be used as a primary dx. In the back of the ICD-9 book they don't have the symbol that indicates it can be used as primary. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Where do you find that it can't be used as primary for only inpatient services? From what I can see of the ICD-9 book, it can't be used as primary in any situation. I just started coding Cardiology a few months ago and am still learning. Thanks!