Wiki Please help!!! Need help coding Skin Graft


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How would I code Split thickness skin graft. Donor site anterolateral right tight. Recipient sight is tibial wound at the right, mid tibia and anterior area.

Indications: Defect of right mid-thigh, which measures 5x5x6x5 cm, rectangular shape, maximum healing of granulating wound, secondary to a motor vehicle accident, which resulted in avulsion of skin and subsequent sloughing of the dead skin and a large ulcer on the anterior right tibia. The ulcer has filled in with granulation tissue and we have come to the part where a skin graft would help wound healing, so as not to be a hypertrophic scar and unsightly wound on the anterior tibia, which would rub and cause irritation. Also, for better function of the right leg. The wound healing time would greatly be sped up and the patient would be able to get back to work at a sooner time.