Wiki Please help me with the situation


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I'm trying to see if this works. Please share your opinion.

Our office is located in Flushing, NY.
*Physician assistant is seeing a patient
- PA is credentialed to the plan and will be billed under PA's NPI

*Supervising MD
- Not credentialed to the plan yet.

In this situation, can this supervising MD sign the PA's note regardless MD's credentialing status with plan?
Can I submit claim under PA's NPI as usual because supervising MD signed the note?

Is this still valid?
Please help.
Thank you.
There is no requirement in NY that I am aware of that the supervising MD must sign the PA's notes. Some practices/hospitals/healthcare systems have this in place, but it's a policy, not a legal requirement.
I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to submit the note under the clinician who actually provided the service.
All the incident-to requirements are to be able to submit under the MD instead of the PA. FYI - the physician signing it does not mean it even meets the incident-to requirements.
Yes. I do understand and I was not looking to bill I2.
Thank you so much for clarifying it.