Wiki Please help code this cardiology report


Ocean Springs, MS
Best answers
Female has been having chest pain, also past history of hypetension, type II DM and old MI. Cardiologist recommended and outpatient cardiac catherization. after arriving in the cardiac cath lab, the pt was prepped w/ Versed and injected w/ lidocaine in the groin. The cardiologist threaded the double Judkin's cathether through the femoral artery for selective catheter placement and ijection of dye into coranary artieries. a leftventriculogram was performed w/ no gradient across the aortic valve. The physican found 98% blockage resulting in corany artery disease of hte Obtuse marginal and right coronary artery, Next, the physician inserted a balloon catheter, crossing both the Obtuse and RCA lesions succesfully, dilating both of hte lesions and a drug eluting stent was deployed for each artery.
The cardiologist listed the procedure as: left heart catherization, coranary angiogram, left ventriculogram, and coronary angioplasty with stent insertion.

Please help code this out ...

Thanks so much

I put primary dx: as 412
secondary 786..50, 250.00

Can not come up with correct procedure codes...

Female has been having chest pain, also past history of hypetension, type II DM and old MI. Cardiologist recommended and outpatient cardiac catherization. after arriving in the cardiac cath lab, the pt was prepped w/ Versed and injected w/ lidocaine in the groin. The cardiologist threaded the double Judkin's cathether through the femoral artery for selective catheter placement and ijection of dye into coranary artieries. a leftventriculogram was performed w/ no gradient across the aortic valve. The physican found 98% blockage resulting in corany artery disease of hte Obtuse marginal and right coronary artery, Next, the physician inserted a balloon catheter, crossing both the Obtuse and RCA lesions succesfully, dilating both of hte lesions and a drug eluting stent was deployed for each artery.
The cardiologist listed the procedure as: left heart catherization, coranary angiogram, left ventriculogram, and coronary angioplasty with stent insertion.

Please help code this out ...

Thanks so much

I put primary dx: as 412
secondary 786..50, 250.00

Can not come up with correct procedure codes...


Did he to an intervention on a branch of the circumflex artery? I believe that where you find an Obtuse Marginal artery, and add a 92928-LC to the charges
Also it you need to add CAD to the diagnosis codes.

414.01-Coronary Artery Disease, it seems to be his main problem.