Wiki Plasma/Platelet inj after debridement

Lafayette, LA
Best answers
I could really use some help coming up with a code to use for a platelet injection (already centrifuged) into a wound after a debridement. Doc says they do this to promote healing. Any suggestions?
CPT® Assistant November 2005 Volume 15 issue 11
"Question: During an orthopedic procedure, 60 cc of the patient’s blood was drawn and then centrifuged for 15 minutes to separate the PLATELET-RICH PLASMA from the PLATELET-poor PLASMA. The red cells were injected into the operative site. What are the appropriate CPT codes to report for these procedures?

AMA Comment: The instillation of the PLATELETs by the surgeon into the surgical site would not warrant additional CPT code reporting as this is considered an integral part of the total procedure performed; therefore, the instillation is not separately reportable as there is no significant, additional physician work involved. However, code 86999, Unlisted transfusion medicine procedure, should be reported when blood is drawn intraoperatively from the patient and centrifuged to separate the PLATELET-RICH from PLATELET-poor PLASMA and the red cells are injected into the operative site."

Hope this helps!

~Kirsten, CPC
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