Wiki Plantar Faciotomy vs Faciectomy


Fort Myers
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I have a case that is stumping me. I believe it is a faciotomy with mod 22 for the scar tissue adhesion removal, but I'm looking for other input. Another coder feels its a facietomy based on the "transected" mentioned in the op.

OP: The plantar fascia was clearly identified. Appropriate retractors were placed. The abductor hallucis fascia was also identified. Transverse incision was made in the abductor hallucis fascia. The abductor hallucis muscle was moved out of the way. A circumferential release of the fascia was performed with decompression of the deep calcaneal nerve as well. Next, the plantar fascia was transected approximately ¾ of the way across. Hypertrophic scar tissue was then sharply excised with a #15 blade scalpel and a rongeur. Next, an 8-10 mm osteotome and mallet were used to resect the calcaneal spur plantar ward. This was resected with a rongeur. The wound was irrigated with sterile normal saline. Rasp was used to smooth and contour the remaining calcaneal tuberosity. The wound was then re-irrigated with sterile normal saline. Bone wax was placed over the raw cut bony surface of the calcaneus. The dermis was closed using buried interrupted 3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed using 4-0 Nylon.

Thanks in advance.