Wiki Placement of Integra graft


Chino, CA
Best answers
Hi! I work for an orthopedic group and one of our physicians took a patient to surgery for debridement of a hand wound and also placement of an Integra graft.
He wants to charge for a 11043 and a 15175. I was told that we as the physician are not able to charge for the placement of the integra graft since the facility supplies this for the physician and there is no code for the placement of this.
Is this correct? I was informed that I would just code for the surgical prep 15004.
Can someone give me some information in regards to this? I just want to be sure that I am coding this correctly and can explain this and have backup for my physician.

Thank you for your help :)
If your physician personally placed the skin substitute then you CAN bill for its' placement. The skin substitute material would be billed by the facility. Regarding the use of the 15004 code that would be based on documentation.
Per WPS lcd L30135 Integra is not covered. Still not sure if we should be billing the application code for a product that is not covered.
Anyone have any guidance on this?